Friday, July 8, 2011

Comfort Foods

I've been craving squash lately and since necessity is the mother of invention, some pretty great dinners were created:
First up is tonight's feast of yellow squash, cherry tomatoes, and whole wheat-sweet potato gnocci.  Ingredients for 2 servings are as follows.  Measurements are approximate since I work with handfuls and pinches and tasting, I promise to work on measuring as I go :)

1 C gnocci (I used whole wheat-sweet potato because they are healthier but regular would work fine)
1 C yellow squash
1/3 C diced onion
1 clove garlic, diced
1 1/2 C cherry tomatoes
Salt to taste
Dried basil to taste
*If you prefer bottled marinara to cherry tomatoes in the blender, skip salt, basil, garlic, half the cherry tomatoes and just add sauce to cooked veggies & gnocci, then heat through

Soften onion & garlic in a lightly oiled skillet, toss in sliced yellow squash, boil gnocci while your veggies cook.  Put half of cherry tomatoes into your blender (I used my magic bullet) and puree.  Cut the remaining cherry tomatoes into halves.  Pour the puree in your veggie skillet, add salt & dried basil to taste, and simmer for a minute or two to let the sauce thicken slightly.  Add in cooked gnocci (they only cook about 3 minutes and float when they're done), toss in halved tomatoes & heat through.  Serve immediately.  If it's a little acidic, add a touch of sweetener (this is a tip I learned from an ex-military construction buddy, you'd be suprised how many construction workers are fabulous chefs!!!)  I avoid processed, white, granulated sugar.  I prefer agave, honey, or date paste so I added a small squeeze of agave to mine.

Next up is zucchini & quinoa.  Two of my favorite foods in the whole world on one plate!  This is a protein packed dinner, no meat needed.  Makes aprox 4 servings.

1 C quinoa (usually available in the rice section of the store, I buy mine at Costco where its much cheaper AND organic)
2 C water
1 Zucchini, diced
1/3 C diced onion
1 clove garlic, diced
1/2 C cherry tomatoes
Spoonful of guacamole or diced avocado
Salt to taste

Cook quinoa as directed on package ** see tips below.  Sautee garlic, onions, & sliced zucchini.  Chop cherry tomatoes.  Put all veggies on top of quinoa & top with a dollop of guac :)  mmmmm *Quinoa tip - package directions call for water, add some extra flavor by adding your favorite spices to the mix (I like Adobo with cumin) or even chicken broth if you are not a vegan.  **Quinoa tip 2 - on medium heat, bring to just simmering, then cover & turn heat down to low.  Cook until quinoa doesn't move around when you give the pan a little shake, 12-15 minutes.

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